Geek Bullying

Two words that I never thought I would see next to each other were geek and bullying. These days it’s easy to find some type of geek bullying going on. I for one am done. I’m done seeing all the geek shaming that happens online and at conventions.

I am tired of seeing people posting things across social media, saying things like “You’re not a real fan. You only know who these people are because of the movies/tv shows/Netflix/etc.” Who cares how people know the characters. Are they paying to see movies? Are they giving our favorite shows ratings? Are they buying geeky merchandise? Are they talking about geeky movies and tv shows online? If the answer is yes, then CALM DOWN!!

As a community we need to be welcoming to new geeks. These new fans are spending money at the comicbook store. They are taking their friends to see movies with our favorite characters. It truly has never been a better time to be a geek. Well, the late 70s was probably pretty cool to, I would have loved to see Star Wars opening night on the big screen.

To the new fans out there, welcome. I am happy that you found your way into our world. If you ever need help navigating this amazing world of geek, I will help as best as I can. If you ever feel the sting of geek bullying, I will stand by you. A majority of geeks are good people and we apologize for the bad eggs.

To those who are geek shaming, knock it off. Do you not realize what the state of geek would be if it wasn’t for new fans? Look back to the 90s when Marvel was on the verge of bankruptcy. It took 20th century Fox bringing in new fans with the X-Men franchise to pave the way for us to have the Marvel Cinematic Universe we all know and love, which lead to Disney wanting to by Marvel.

So let’s come together, stop the shaming cycle. Don’t tell people they aren’t real fans because they don’t know the mythology as well as you do. Help these new fans, embrace their new found geekdom. Remember,  the state of geek could be a lot worse without the new fans.


Finding Dory Review

J and I were lucky enough to go to an early screening of Finding Dory thanks to our friends at X96. We were so excited that we watched Finding Nemo before we went to the theater.

Just like all other Disney/Pixar features, Finding Dory starts with a short. Piper is the short that kicks off Finding Dory. Piper is a story about overcoming fear and never giving up. Piper is a little sandpiper bird who must learn how to fend for herself now that she is too big for her mama to feed her.

Finding Dory takes us on an adventure. We get to see Dory’s origin story up to her meeting Marlin in Finding Nemo. From there we are taken to a year later where Dory is living right next to Nemo and Marlin. Throughout the movie, things are happening to unlock memories of Dory’s family. Dory, Marlin, and Nemo set out on a journey to reconnect Dory with the family that she lost and forgot. Finding Dory introduces a lot of fun and helpful characters, J’s favorite is Hank the octopus. Like Piper, Finding Dory shares a message that “you can do anything you put your mind to,” and gives you a new way to solve problems by asking yourself “What Would Dory Do?”

Parents beware, there are some loud suspenseful parts of the movie that may frighten younger children. So, sit close and be prepared for arm squeezing throughout the movie. Other than that, this is a perfect movie to take the kids, grandkids, nephews, and nieces to. The IMAX 3D is pretty interesting if you get a good center seat. If you can’t get a good center seat, standard 2D will be more than enough for Finding Dory.

Do yourself a favor this weekend and go see Piper and Finding Dory.